INDEX       WaterWise Principles       PlantSelector       Contributors       Links      
Texas AgriLife Extension Service Texas Water Development Board Texas Nursery and Landscape Association Texas AgriLife Extension Service Texas AgriLife Extension Service
A supplement to the Best Management Practices Manual produced by the Texas Water Conservation Task Force.


Tips on using the Urban Landscape Guide; how the written guide relates to the Web site; using the PlantSelector database.

Water in the Soil – Plant – Atmosphere Continuum
The relationship between landscape plantings and the characteristics of the environment in which they grow is complex.

Water Wise Landscaping
Principles of the WaterWise landscape design process; techniques for soil analysis and improvement; selecting site-appropriate plants; site features that affect water conservation.

Practical Turf Areas
Turfgrasses form the foundation of many landscapes and serve important functional roles; size and shape of turf areas impacts water use.

Efficient Irrigation
Efficient irrigation strategies, irrigation zoning; alternative irrigation sources.

Mulch is the "finishing touch" for landscape beds; it is an important tool for reducing water lost from soil as well as controlling weeds.

Proper maintenance begins with proper plant selection; maintenance should be done in a timely fashion.

Programmatic Approaches to Water Conservation
Any water conservation program begins with education.

Ordinance Approaches to Water Conservation

Successful water conservation programs depend upon a set of well planned and appropriately implemented municipal ordinances.

Landscape Irrigation Conservation and Incentives
ETo-based water budgets; irrigation system design; irrigation controls and sensors; irrigation zoning; turfgrass selection and turfgrass alternatives
Implementation of Irrigation BMP
Best Management Practices (BMPs); programmatic and incentive approaches for implementing BMPs.

Ordinances and Rules for Implementing Irrigation BMP
Irrigation system design and installation; compliance activities including education and enforcement.

Staffing and resources; cost effectiveness considerations


Appendix A
Lower Colorado River Authority
Suggested Conservation and Landscape Guidelines

Appendix B
Potential Drought Provisions Affecting Landscape Water Use

A comprehensive list of the sources used in the development of the Urban Landscape Guide.


Web resources that provide additional information for water resource conservation and selection of plants for the urban landscape.

Urban Landscape Guide Manual

Water Conservation Task Force Best Management Practices Guide

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